Nutrimetics USA/Avalla

Nutrimetics USA/Avalla
Natural beauty, health and wellness direct selling company - 49 year industry leader and world's first botanicals

Friday, August 27, 2010

Customer Service Duties

Customer service duties should not be taken lightly no matter what area of the market you're working in. Whether it's a brick and mortar building where customers come to you or your home based business where you'll meet people that become your customers over the phone, online or in person.

Customer service duties done well will reward you in return customers, loyal brand customers, repeat customers, referrals and growth in your business. Follow these tips to provide excellent customer service that will help you gain a reputation of loving what you do and doing it well, making people want to do business with you now and in the future.

* Smile - a simple gesture of a smile whether in person or on the phone can be seen and felt by the other person. A smile goes a long way to show sincerity and love of what you do.

* Excitement - be excited in what you're doing and selling. Knowing that you are helping someone is very rewarding not only to you but, to customers as well.

* Attention - pay attention to what the customer is saying to determine their true needs and wants. You can help customers by providing what they need and not what you want or need to sell them.

* Knowledge - being knowledgeable in your area of expertise will allay a customers concerns and they will be more willing to work with you and to buy from you.

* Trustworthy - be trustworthy with your customers. If you say you'll do something or be somewhere when you say you will, do it. Make no excuses. Customers want and need to believe that you are who you say you are. The more trust you build, the better your relationship with your customer be grow.

* Communicate - one of the very important customer service duties you have is to communicate effectively with your customers. If you know of a great sale, deal or other benefit to your customer, be sure to share it. Communicating with your customer shows your interest in them and wanting them to get the best deal for their time and money.

* Provide Value - providing value about your company, new products, research and benefits of products will encourage a customer to get excited when you contact them. They'll be eager to hear from you knowing that you always offer them valuable information that can help them to look and feel their best.

* Relationship building - starting a customer relationship and building it will ensure that you get to know your customer, their likes, dislikes, their needs now and in the future will help your customer as well as yourself. The more you know your customer, the more enjoyable it will be to call or see them. Friendships grow as relationships build and these can last a lifetime!

* Inform - inform your customers if you are planning a move or relocation to other area of the country. Many times, customers are the last to know that you have moved and they will try to contact someone else if they can't reach you. That doesn't look good for you, your products or your company and you should try to avoid this at all costs. If you won't be doing your business any longer, simply telling your customer and trying to help them find someone to replace you before they need something will be most appreciated by your customer.

* Have fun! Have fun with customers and you'll enjoy what you're doing, it will help your business grow and prosper.

* Repeat - repeat these actions and the more you do it, the better you'll get. You'll become a leader in no time and others will look to you for your expertise and advice.

Let me know your best customer service tip and what works best for you!

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