Nutrimetics USA/Avalla

Nutrimetics USA/Avalla
Natural beauty, health and wellness direct selling company - 49 year industry leader and world's first botanicals

Friday, April 1, 2011

Organizing your Time for Your Business

When you work a home based business, there are some important steps you will want to take in order to organize your time so that you can be the most productive in the shortest amount of time. This is one of the key benefits to working a home based business after all - having the ability to work when you want.

Some people fail before they even get started with a home based business because they fail to make a plan.

Use subliminal messaging to help you to get organized and stop procrastinating! You can be successful with the right focus and mindset - nothing can stop you when you want it badly enough.

Use these steps to organize your time for your home based business and get to work creating an income stream that will help you and your family as well as begin to create the lifestyle that you dream of.

Use a Calendar:
Using a calendar will help you to pinpoint blocks of time that are available to you to work your home based business.

Cross out any time that is already slotted for your day job, children's events, church or other obligations.

How Many Hours a Week will you Work your Home Based Business: If you know how many hours you need to work in order to earn X amount of dollars, find blocks of time that you will schedule to do just that.

Create blocks of time in the calendar that you can either spend time on the phone, go to a meeting, go to a product presentation or other money earning event.
Stick to your schedule and make sure that these blocks of time are adhered to just like any other important job or family obligation.

Continue Working Your Plan:
Most people need to stay focused on working their home based business for at least three to six months to begin to realize success. This will help you to get started meeting new customers and potential distributors for your team as well as build momentum for your business.

Make sure to use any empty block of time on your business. Most successful business owners reach success due to practice, focus, persistence and keeping their eye on the prize.

Many customers will need to reorder products after three, four or six months (especially if you have chosen a consumable products company like Nutrimetics/Avalla). Slowing down or quitting during this timeframe leaves money on the table as these customers will now go elsewhere in your company to get their reorders.

Don't quit and you will realize success in your home based business.

Eliminate Distractions:
Reduce and eliminate distractions to your home based business by turning off the television, creating a work space in your home that allows you to focus on your work and gets everyone in your household on board with your goals and plans.

Learn as you Earn:
Join in on company held conference calls or meetings that assist you in learning new information that you can share with customers and make you feel more comfortable with your product presentations.

At the beginning, you do not need to know everything about everything. Learn as you earn and others will see that it is possible to do what you are doing without knowing everything and this will help you to have others join your team as distributors in your growing organization within the company and help you to earn even more when you help others do what you do and earn income they need.

What Part of Organizing your Time do you find the most difficult? Share it here so that we can discuss it and share any time organization ideas for others!

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